For those interested, I am a late-30s pediatrician. I have 3 daughters and a lovely wife - and lovely does not begin to describe her. She is lovely for all that she is, and because I know what she does all day long, because other Moms tell me what she telling me what they do. When I come home, and she says to me, "Bleh, I didn't get anything done today..." and then proceeds to tell me about how she...
- Fed the baby - 5 times.
- Got the kids to school.
- Did the laundry.
- Talked to both of our mothers.
- And my sister.
- Put away the laundry.
- Got the kids from school.
- Put our almost-5 year-old in time out, likely more than once, for any one of the following: screaming, screaming, screaming, pounding on her older sister, not listening, or screaming.
- Made dinner while helping our 7 year-old with her homework, dealing with the baby screaming, and amusing our almost 5 year-old.
- Maybe bathed 1-3 of them (if I get home late, or if the baby exploded in poop)
- (I'm sure I forgot something)
I see a lot of different people from all walks of life - from kids of recently emigrated families to kids of CEOs of huge companies. And, because pediatrics is fun, and because having 3 girls (and having grown up in a house with 2 sisters) is always entertaining, I am betting most of my thoughts in this blog will revolve around the silliness of my 3 girls, straight truth from mucus-y 4-year-olds, and general gobbledygook about pediatrics and my own search for ways to be a better pediatrician.
As for Crumbs in the Carpet? We all have them, they're tough to get out of the carpet unless you REALLY try, and kids will eat them if you let them.
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